Physical condition of children footballers depending on the playing position
sport, football, performance, fatigueAbstract
The practice of football, requires the execution of demanding movements of high energy demand, being the position in the field of play one of the factors that influences the physiological requirements of these athletes, so the objective of this study is to assess the Physical condition of children footballers depending on the playing position. The present is a cross-sectional correlational study; A sample of 240 children belonging to the soccer schools of Neiva, which have a minimum age of 7 years and a maximum of 17 with an average of 13 years, were available for its realization. For the measurement of aerobic power the Course Navette test was taken, the anaerobic power the RAST test, for the power of the lower limbs the horizontal jump test and for flexibility the Flexitest. As a result, statistically significant differences were found between the game position and fatigue index, maximum power and horizontal jump p <0.001, so it is concluded that the aerobic and anaerobic power varies depending on the position.
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