Does combine different distances in the determination of the critical swim speed?
sports assesment, young athletes, swimming, aerobic performanceAbstract
The objective of the present study was to determine the influence of using different combinations of distances to get the critical speed in swimmers. This descriptive study present a quantitative approach and a convenience sample, the participants were fourteen men (age 15,00±1,63 years old, weight 52,36±7,80 kg, size 163,71±8,52 cm, BMI 19,43±1,27 kg/m2, swimming training experience 2,57±0,53 years) and six women (age 14,00±1,00 years old, weight 51,33±7,23 kg, size 154,00±1,73 cm, BMI 21,68±3,34 kg/m2, swimming training experience 2,33±0,58 years). To determine the critical speed of swimming (CS) were used 11 possible combinations of two distances, three distances and four distances for the different tests evaluated in this study (50 m, 100 m, 200 m and 400 m). For tabulation and data analysis was used the package statistical IBM SPSS V.22 with a 95% confidence level and a p-value of 0.05, applied in this the normality test of Shapiro-Wilk to establish the distribution of the data and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine significant differences between the averages of each combination. After analyzing the results, where as evidence is a normal distribution of data (p>0,05), on the other hand there were significant differences in men (p<0,05) and very significant in women (p<0,01) between the means of combinations of two distances with respect to the four distances. It is concluded that the combination of different distances to determine the CS if it significantly influences in this index.Downloads
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