Influence of stretching on warm up in jump and speed


  • P Gálvez Ruiz Universidad de Málaga Spain
  • A Tapia Flores Universidad de Málaga Spain
  • A Jurado Lavanant Universidad de Málaga Spain



warm up, stretching, strength, speed


The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of passive stretchings included as part of warm up in explosive strength performance, in this case in several vertical jump tests: Squat Jump (SJ), Countermouvement Jump (CMJ) and Reactive Jump (RJ); and also in a 30 meters speed test with 5 meters start flying.

Sample was composed by 9 male Málaga Football Club soccerplayers (18.22 ± 0.44 years) performed 2 warm up protocols in they free day in two consecutive weeks. The soccer players use the passive stretching in warm up and the kind of effort during the activity has a high component of explosive ballistic strength, movements executed by great intensity and short duration, for example shoot the ball, sprints, way changes, jumps, etc.

Were observed decreases in SJ, RJ and speed tests performance, with statistic significant differences (p<0.05) in power and flight time of RJ test, also in speed test. As for the CMJ test, benefits have been obtained though the differences have not been significant. Therefore, passive stretching included in warm up had a negative influence in explosive strength and speed in trained soccer players group.


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How to Cite

Gálvez Ruiz, P., Tapia Flores, A., & Jurado Lavanant, A. (2013). Influence of stretching on warm up in jump and speed. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 2(2), 28–37.


