Judokas anthropometric profile of elite and youth in combat mode


  • GA Rodríguez Instituto de Cultura Física Manuel Fajardo, Universidad del Deporte Cubano Cuba




judo elite athletes and young, lean mass, body composition, somatotype.


The type of observational research study of this cross-sectional descriptive aim was to identify and analyze the anthropometric profile of elite and youth judo Santander in combat mode. The percentage of bone and residual mass percentage of the elite judo is 15.41%, 24.1%, while the percentage of judo presented 18,021 juveniles%, 24.1% respectively.
For judo elite and juvenile bone mass and average residual mass percentage 15.4%, 20.91% and 14.19 and 20.9 respectively. The average fat mass component is 13.17% according to the classification given by Yuhasz the study sample is classified into percentile P> 91 which is described as very high. At youth lean component is 7.36 which is in a percentile P21-40 is described as suitable, the elite judo fat mass is 20.68%, rated percentile P> 91 which described as very high, which according to the standard deviation 5.25 presents the sample homogeneity., in the junior category the percentage of lean mass component, the average is 27.26, in percentile P> 91 which very alto.La described as the muscle is an elite judo 46.72%, in terms of judo elite values of body composition are of 43.01% and juveniles judo average is 37.64%, showing a significant difference with elite judokas.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, G. (2013). Judokas anthropometric profile of elite and youth in combat mode. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 2(2), 16–27. https://doi.org/10.24310/riccafd.2013.v2i2.6198


