Study on intermediate proposals for basketball in the children’s category


  • Belen Garzon Echevarría Universidad de La Rioja Spain
  • Daniel Lapresa Ajamil Universidad de La Rioja Spain
  • María Teresa Anguera Argilaga Universidad de Barcelona Spain
  • Javier Arana Idiakez Universidad Internacional de La Rioja Spain



basketball, adaptation, free throw shot, 12-13 years category, T-patterns


This study aims to raise an intermediate proposal for basketball in the children’s category that will make the transition from mini-basketball to adult basketball progressive. To this end, we have studied the impacts on the free throw shooting technical pattern of five regulatory adaptations resulting from the combination of three types of ball -numbers 5, 6 and 7- and two basket heights -at 3.05 m. and at 2.80 m. from the ground-. Through statistical analysis and the detection of temporary patterns, erroneous technical aspects have been established in certain modalities under study, which enables us to raise intermediate proposals for adaptation of basketball for 11-12 years olds.


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How to Cite

Garzon Echevarría, B., Lapresa Ajamil, D., Anguera Argilaga, M. T., & Arana Idiakez, J. (2014). Study on intermediate proposals for basketball in the children’s category. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 3(1), 10–20.


