Effects of a physical activity program on the physical fitness of schoolchildren with ADHD
, physical fitness, physical activity, physical education, elementary education, ADHDAbstract
INTRODUCTION: This paper focuses on studying the effects of a physical activity program on physical fitness of a group of schoolchildren with ADHD.
METHOD: This investigation involved 12 students (12 boys), aged between 7 and 12 years. The physical fitness was measured by hand dynamometry, horizontal jump and Course-Navette. The procedure was as follows: pre-test, intervention and post-test. The intervention consisted of 2 days per week of physical activity, 60 minutes per day, during 12 weeks.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: There have been significant improvements in physical fitness [musculoskeletal capacity of the lower limbs (p = 0.037) and aerobic capacity (p =0.011)].
CONCLUSIONS: The program used is effective to improve the physical fitness of children with ADHD.
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