Transformation of anthropological status in elderly with type ii diabetes through exercise: pilates and aerobic exercise


  • M Petrovic Institute for Biomedical Research into Human Movement and Health. Manchester Metropolitan University. Manchester United Kingdom
  • PJ Ruiz-Montero Universidad de Granada Spain



type 2 diabetes mellitus, elderly people, physical activity, health


Estimations are that 285 million people suffer from Type 2 diabetes, or 6% of the world's adult population and 60 million people in the EU (10% of population). Spain’s population 47 million people, over 3 million have diabetes (6.4%). In 2010 year 106 billion was spent on healthcare for diabetes in the EU. Exercise is a key component to good diabetes management as well as helping people to avoid diabetes altogether by improving body's use of insulin, burning body fat, helping to decrease and control weight, increasing muscle strength, increasing bone density and strength. Walking, aerobic, strength training, stretching, swimming are highly recommended activities to people with Type 2 Diabetes. A 250-300 minutes frequency of physical activity (PA) per week can be very helpful in controlling this pathological state. Pilates is a controlled exercise program that can be used to achieve fitness and health goals. It is convenient and inexpensive. Pilates can be done at home, learning techniques from TV or a DVD. Also, Pilates is free of risk for people with Type 2 diabetes which is a vulnerable category because of altered lower limb biomechanics and possible gait dysfunction.



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How to Cite

Petrovic, M., & Ruiz-Montero, P. (2015). Transformation of anthropological status in elderly with type ii diabetes through exercise: pilates and aerobic exercise. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 4(1), 1–5.


