The alternative of EXERGAMES in improving the quality of life of the elderly


  • A Cabrera-Fernández Grupo de investigación HUM-238. Universidad de Granada Spain
  • R Chacón-Cuberos Grupo de investigación HUM-238. Universidad de Granada Spain
  • M Castro-Sánchez Universidad Santo Tomás Chile



physical activity, exergames, elderly, healthy


We now live in a society that is clearly conditioned by the development of new technologies. Although, we must also point out another feature of our society: the increasing number of our elders, due to numerous factors. What comes to claim a proposals that promotes a good quality of life for seniors. To do this, it has become a literature review, reviewing in one hand physical activity, considered one of the most important assets to try to achieve that end; and secondly, the potential role of new technologies, specifically the "exergames". On the occasion of proposing it as an alternative to improve the quality of life of our seniors, this research aims to raise awareness on how to use new technologies. Although within them we include "exergames" leading technology booming for some time, with which our seniors will not only improve your physical and mental condition and thereby improve their quality of life.


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How to Cite

Cabrera-Fernández, A., Chacón-Cuberos, R., & Castro-Sánchez, M. (2015). The alternative of EXERGAMES in improving the quality of life of the elderly. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 4(3), 34–44.




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