The role of sport in Basque rural development policies. Opportunities, risks and an evaluative inquiry proposal


  • J Aldaz Arregu Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo Social de la Universidad del País Vasco Spain
  • B Izquierdo Ramírez Departamento de Derecho Privado (Área Sociología) de la Universidad de Burgos Spain



sport, rural development, public policy, evaluation and sustainability


Though research that combines sport and rural development is no vey profuse at Spanish level, the preeminence that sport practice is getting at social level, together with its connection to rural spaces as a scenario for its practice, has transform this topic in an innovative and very interesting issue from public policy perspective. Firstly, social «sportification» has become an influent research at sociological level due to the high social and economic impact on population, together with the motivations below this practice. At the same time, rural areas are influenced by an intensive rural development policy that has favored the conversion of rural areas into a preeminent place for sport practice, increasing significantly the activities gaining from these areas.

The objective of this research is to define the opportunities and risks for the development of rural areas from a rigorous, sustainable and measurable vision.


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How to Cite

Aldaz Arregu, J., & Izquierdo Ramírez, B. (2016). The role of sport in Basque rural development policies. Opportunities, risks and an evaluative inquiry proposal. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 5(3), 1–21.


