Relationship between cmj and change of direction in collective sports


  • J. Ferrando Fenoll Spain
  • JL. Schneider Tirado Universidad de Málaga Spain



CMJ, pliometry, changes of direction


When executing a race at full speed with change-of-direction force components are highly involved. These components are being specifically trained through plyometric exercises, among others. Few studies evaluate on one side explosive and reactive strength (1,2) and their correlation with short change-of-direction sprints. Once analyzed the evidences showed in some studies reviewed (3,4,5,6,7), our purpose is to determine the relationship between both explosive and reactive strength measures and short change-of-direction sprints in order to find whether the countermovement jump (CMJ) force manifestation helps predicting the performance level during change-of-direction 90º acceleration sprints.


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How to Cite

Ferrando Fenoll, J., & Schneider Tirado, J. (2019). Relationship between cmj and change of direction in collective sports. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 2(1), 30–35.


