Social support & wellness in visually impaired spanish swimmers


  • F.J. Martín Recio Universidad de Málaga Spain



social support wellness, visual impairment, swimming


The purpose of this study is to know the wellness and social support in swimmers with visual impairment. The instrument has been an own made questionnaire with three sections: degree of influence of the society at first steps of start swimming; reasons for satisfaction when swimming; feeling at this stage of life.

The results show that athletes have a high wellness state, significantly influenced by their usual practice of physical activity. The main reasons for attracting and maintaining sport practice are “fun” and “represent a province, community and country”. Influences to start swimming are more individual than external, “desire to improve” and “own beliefs”, being below “institutions for disabled”.


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How to Cite

Martín Recio, F. (2019). Social support & wellness in visually impaired spanish swimmers. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 2(1), 20–29.


