Perception of physical education classes and the relationship with the intention to practice physical activity in adolescents
actividad física, MIFA, IEF, estudiantes, Educación FísicaAbstract
The aim was to describe the importance of physical education classes and the intention to be physically active among sexes, as well as their association with self-perceived weekly PA level. A total of 77 students between 13-15 years of ESO (mean age= 13.47 ± 0.563). The IEF questionnaire was used to assess the degree of importance and usefulness of physical education classes, the intention to be physically active was assessed through the MIFA questionnaire and the self-perceived moderate-vigorous weekly PA level was recorded. Results showed that men obtained higher means in the importance attributed to PE classes than women (p<0.05). Furthermore, a strong association was observed between the instruments IEF (r = 0.326; p= 0.004), MIFA (r = .960, = 75; p <0.001) and average PA (r = 0.389, p= 0.001). Boys attach greater importance to PE classes suggesting the need to develop strategies to increase girls' interest in order to promote greater intention to be physically active.
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