Motives and interests towards physical-sports practice of university students




reasons, interests, physical-sports practice, students, university students


The objective of this study was to identify the motives and intereststowards the practice of physical-sports activity in university students. It was across sectional, non experimental design research with a descriptive-correlational level, where a total of 83 students participated, of which 51 (61.4%) were men and 32 (38.6%) were women, with an average age 22.2 ± 2.5 years old, al lof them belonging to a sports-related degree from a university in southern Sonora. The test used for this was a questionnaire on Motivations and interests towards physical-sports activities (MIAFD). Among the results obtained, it is shown that the students are physically active by stating that 77.1% carry out some type of physical-sports activity, 78.43% of men and 50% of women practice some type of physical-sports activity for that they like to compete, where it gave a p<0.05, resulting in the gender variable and the question why i like to compete are dependent, therefore gender does influence the reason for practice. Among the most frequent reasons why they do not practice physical-sports activity are due to lack of financial means (21.05%) and another (31.57%), and the least frequent are because friends do not practice sports and due to previous bad experiences (5.26%). 69.9% of the students stated that they found their physical education classes easy, while 30.1% mentioned that they did not, which coincides with the fact that the majority of the subjects physically active, however, for the vast majority they are not. They were motivating (54.21%), and stated that the teacher did not encourage them to practice after school hours (68.67%), but 51.80% did consider them useful. For all of the above, it may be related to the fact that students are studying a degree focused on physical activity and sports, and, therefore, their thoughts and lifestyles tend to be more active due to the context in which they opérate.


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How to Cite

Tolano fierros, E. J., López Araujo, L., & Vea Martínez, B. G. (2024). Motives and interests towards physical-sports practice of university students . Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 13(2), 109–120.


