Effects of plyometric exercises in postoperative patients of rotation of the calcaneus tendon





plyometric exercises, aquilles tendon, calcaneus tendon, rehabilitation


It is known about the rupture of the Achilleus tendon since ancient Greece, which has been increasing in recent years, therefore, it seeks to implement better tools for its treatment, one of them being plyometric exercises. Meta-analysis type studies, randomized and experimental controlled trials observed that the application of plyometric exercises in most of the participants improved the quality of the tendon, increasing elasticity and decreasing its stiffness (p <0.01) in 14 studies and in the remaining 3 studies. , did not improve the structure of the tendon, however, it did improve its symptoms and functionality in late studies (p <0.01). The application of plyometric exercises is an additional tool to treat subjects undergoing an operation to rupture the Achilles tendon, which must be applied in the final stages of rehabilitation, improving tissue stiffness, increasing functionality and reducing chronic pain.


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How to Cite

Pereira Rodriguez, J. E., de Marcos Sanchez, J. S. ., Ceballos Portilla, L. F., Avendaño-Luque, E., Parra Rojas, G. L., & Corrales, F. A. (2022). Effects of plyometric exercises in postoperative patients of rotation of the calcaneus tendon. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 11(2), 104–120. https://doi.org/10.24310/riccafd.2022.v11i2.14675


