ARISTO functional battery in rhythmic gymnastics (BFAGR): reliability and applicability in basic level gymnast girls




evaluation girls, rhythmic gymnastic, physical fitness
Agencies: 1Department of Physical and Sports Education. University of Granada. 2 Faculty of Education Sciences. University of Cordoba.


Objective: To determine the test-retest reliability of the tests that make up the battery as well as to determine their normative values.

Method: 56 basic level rhythmic gymnasts between 7 and 11 years old participated. To identify the reliability of the ten battery tests (two of them bilateral), two evaluations were performed in each test. After one week the tests were carried out again to evaluate the test-retest reliability. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used for test-retest reliability. The discriminatory capacity of the tests, according to the different categories, was estimated using an ANOVA. If the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity were not met, the Bland and Altman method was chosen to estimate reliability and the Mann Whitney U statistic for the discriminatory analysis between categories.

Results: The inter-rater reliability is high, presenting values ??higher than 0.95 in all tests except in the “stride” in relation to the “jump height”. The ICC obtained indicated very good reproducibility (> 0.75) in the tests "Front-back splits to the right", "Front right and left leg raise and hold", and "Stride (dynamic flexibility)". Likewise, the presence of concordance between the records was presumed through the Bland and Altman method, in the tests "Throwing the ball and turning forward", "Front back splits to the left", "Bridge" and "Shoulder flexibility".

Conclusions: the final BFAGR battery consisting of six tests for the assessment of specific physical condition is reliable and applicable for gymnasts of these ages.


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How to Cite

Vernetta, M., Montosa, I., Ariza, L., & López Bedoya, J. (2022). ARISTO functional battery in rhythmic gymnastics (BFAGR): reliability and applicability in basic level gymnast girls. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 11(1), 81–103.


