Women's rugby: Macronutrient and fluid intake analysis


  • Karen Valenti Biological Sciences and Biochemistry Faculty, National University of El Litoral. Argentina
  • Josefina Carrió Maria Biological Sciences and Biochemistry Faculty, National University of El Litoral Argentina https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8672-4135
  • Sandra Ravelli Biological Sciences and Biochemistry Faculty, National University of El Litoral Argentina https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7201-5963




female rugby, nutritional intake, macronutrients, liquids


In recent years, rugby as a female sports practice grew considerably. The intake of macronutrients, liquids among other factors influence sports performance. An inadequate diet can reduce sports performance.

Objective: To evaluate the intake of macronutrients and liquids, in women's rugbiers of Querandi club in Santa Fe, 2018.

Methodology: 14 amateur rugby players were evaluated, which was applied through three 24-hour reminders, energy intake, macronutrients and liquids.

Results: The average energy intake of the players was 1832.17 (± 553.23) kcal. The carbohydrate contribution of 50.03 (± 0.07)%, the proteins of 14.97 (± 0.04)% and the fats of 33.93 (± 0.06)% of the total kcal for the sport. As for liquids, 85.71% of rugbiers did not reach the recommendations. The average water consumption was 769.06 (± 323.17) ml.

Conclusion: The players complied with the energy, carbohydrate and lipid recommendations. They presented high protein intake according to the recommendations. Fluid intake was lower than recommendations


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How to Cite

Valenti, K. ., Carrió Maria, J., & Ravelli, S. (2021). Women’s rugby: Macronutrient and fluid intake analysis. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 10(1), 26–36. https://doi.org/10.24310/riccafd.2021.v10i1.11032




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