Physical activity for patients diagnosed with cancer. Sports prescription guide for Ecuador


  • Juan Fernando Hidrobo Coello Centro Especializado en Medicina del Deporte “Asdrúbal de la Torre”. Ecuador



Guide, physical activity, cancer, sports prescription, Ecuador, guide


This guide takes a tour of the various research studies on the benefits of professionally directed and monitored physical activity in patients diagnosed with cancer or who have survived chemotherapy or radiation treatments. It also discusses how to prescribe physical activity for diagnosed patients and when to start prescribing physical activity. It has been pointed out what kind of preventive measures should be promoted in physical activity together with nutrition to avoid the diagnosis of cancer. Finally, we have pointed out what type of nutrition a patient who carries out physical activity after the diagnosis of cancer should maintain, as well as the most appropriate exercises for the diagnosed patients. Concluding that the physical activity, controlled by a professional of the sport, is highly beneficial for the majority of the cases diagnosed with cancer and we propose its application to the Ecuadorian professionals.


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How to Cite

Hidrobo Coello, J. F. (2020). Physical activity for patients diagnosed with cancer. Sports prescription guide for Ecuador. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 9(3), 18–41.


