Integration of the Chess Principle of Prophylaxis to the Practical Exercise of Labor and Social Security Law




Prophylaxis, chess, learning, Law


The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language defines prophylaxis, in its medical reception, as prevention of the disease. This is one of the first ideas taught in chess schools, to improve the calculus of variables. The correct understanding of a position involves identifying one's own weaknesses and the strengths of others, what do they intend or what threaten the rival? The practical exercise of law has elements common to a game of chess. Isn't legal argumentation a strategic exercise? A practical example is presented of how to integrate a reflection on the importance of prophylaxis in the exercise of law with the excuse of resolving a chess position.


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How to Cite

Perán Quesada, S. (2024). Integration of the Chess Principle of Prophylaxis to the Practical Exercise of Labor and Social Security Law. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (31), 15–25.



Educational innovation and teaching methodologies