The necessary training of university teachers in the face of virtual teaching


  • Esther Rando Burgos Universidad de Málaga Spain



teacher training, virtual teaching, student, university teaching


The last few months, with the fateful arrival of Covid-19, have been a real tsunami in our lives, in all spheres, also in teaching. In just days he went from traditional face-to-face teaching to virtual teaching. Students and teachers we saw each other in a new scenario that until then was limited to concrete issues and that became our day to day. And, it could be said, that it has been successfully overcome, or at least in the best possible way given the limited resources, the situation of widespread uncertainty, thanks to an almost daily reinvention. After these early days and still not knowing what scenario we will have in the next course a question seems obvious: virtual teaching is here to stay. As a result, the necessary adaptation of the teacher to the new scenario, which goes through the training in virtual teaching for, worth the redundancy, to be able to train our students. The objective of this work focuses on analyzing the importance and necessary training of the teacher in the university environment in the face of virtual teaching.


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How to Cite

Rando Burgos, E. . (2021). The necessary training of university teachers in the face of virtual teaching. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (24), 47–56.



Educational innovation and teaching methodologies