Alan Turing and the Origin of Artificial Intelligence

Overcoming Intuition




Turing, Artificial Intelligence, Computing Machinery, Intuition, Formalism


This article aims to show that the objective of Alan Turing´s work was, from 1935 until his death in 1954, to find a systematic procedure that would allow us to dispense with intuition in mathematics and, by extension, in human knowledge. Although Gödel's theorems and the conclusions reached by himself in his works of the years 1936 and 1938 imposed limitations that did not allow intuition to be eliminated, he ultimately showed in 1950 that an automatic computational procedure that replaced human thought was possible.

We wonder how Turing arrived at this new position. The answer is that the work carried out in Bletchley during the war led him, firstly, to a new interpretation of Gödel's theorem, in such a way that he transitioned from understanding it as a limitation of formal axiomatic systems to understanding it as a strategy for the construction of increasingly powerful computing machines. Secondly, the construction of these machines to decipher messages from german coding machines without knowing their operation led him to consider automatic computational systems to simulate human thought.


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How to Cite

Valor Yébenes, J. A. (2024). Alan Turing and the Origin of Artificial Intelligence: Overcoming Intuition. Nature & Freedom. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, (18).


