On the On the problem of free will in Modernity

From Hobbesian determinism to Kantian postulation


  • Javier Leiva Bustos Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain




free will, determinism, Hobbes, Kant, freedom, will
Agencies: Complutense University o Madrid, Autonomous University of Madrid, Ministery of Universities, Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan


With the rise and development of the European scientific revolution since Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, which eventually finished Aristotelian physics and teleology to reduce the worldview to an efficient relation between causes and effects, one of the fundamental assumptions in Western metaphysics and ethics entered into crisis too: the question of free will. After all, if the whole physical nature was submitted to necessary, universal and unbreakable causes, from which nothing can escape, and the human being was also a body within that nature, why should they not be equally determined? Throughout this article I will try to present what the irruption of Modernity meant about the debate of «free will»; how the figure of Hobbes, due to cartesian philosophy, became a representative of materialist determinism —although not the only one—; and the solution to the dilemma offered by Kant with his well-known postulate of freedom.


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How to Cite

Leiva Bustos, J. (2023). On the On the problem of free will in Modernity: From Hobbesian determinism to Kantian postulation. Nature & Freedom. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, (17). https://doi.org/10.24310/nyl.17.2023.16716


