Transhumanism, Morality and Determinism

Science and Philosophy in Alex Garland’s Films



Philosophy, Science, Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Determinism


Following the idea that films are excellent cultural items that help to transmit philosophical knowledge and skills to students, in this paper we propose the use of Alex Garland’s films, exemplified in his works Ex Machina (2015), Annihilation (2018) and Devs (2020) for students to acquire knowledge and philosophical skills. These films deal with philosophical issues such as the mind-body duality, the possibility of a robot being understood as a human being, morality or lack thereof in the laws of nature, or strong determinism, among others. They are, therefore, a magnificent source of philosophical knowledge that can be used in both secondary and university education.


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How to Cite

Palomo, M. (2021). Transhumanism, Morality and Determinism: Science and Philosophy in Alex Garland’s Films. Nature & Freedom. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, (15). Retrieved from


