The Gnoseologic Principles of Bertrand Russell


  • Rafael Andrés Alemañ Berenguer Universidad de Alicante Spain



Russell, gnoseology, knowledge, science


Exposed in 1948, within his masterpiece on the scope and limits of human knowledge, the epistemological tenets that Bertrand Russell regarded as fundamental elements in the construction of scientific knowledge, are still worthy of a detailed discussion today. Throughout this article, these principles will be subjected to an orderly analysis from the perspective of the scientific advances that have occurred since then. Given the excellence of the author, it will not be surprising to see that Russell's gnoseologic postulates address some of the most controversial questions, still to be solved, in the theory of knowledge


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Author Biography

Rafael Andrés Alemañ Berenguer, Universidad de Alicante

Instituto de Física Aplicada a la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Investigador colaborador en el Grupo de Ciencias Planetarias del Departamente de Física, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Teoría de la Señal (Universidad de Alicante)


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How to Cite

Alemañ Berenguer, R. A. (2022). The Gnoseologic Principles of Bertrand Russell. Nature & Freedom. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, (16), 11–35.


