The Problem of Attitude as an Access to the Transcendental. Phenomenology of Natural Attitude




Natural attitude, manifestation of the being, transcendence, temporality, to begin in Philosophy.


The main theme of this essay is the problematization of the concept of natural attitude (na-türliche Einstellung), as a moment of the multiple possibilities for the manifestation of the being. In Die Idee der Phänomenologie Husserl adopts the so-called “Cartesian way” –one of those that remain in Ideen I of 1913, in the Erste Philosophie course of 1923/23, and in the Cartesianische Medi-tationen of 1929– towards the fulfillment of a first reduction of the pure ego, non-psychological, where it is redirected to an absolute identification with the temporary flow of its experien-ces. However, although the problem of the constitution of the natural attitude is not thematic for Husserl until the mid 20’s and 30’s, with the introduction of the problem of the “Weltans-chauung” (worldview) as a mode of donation originating from the natural world, where man is constituted in a natural attitude, in this work we maintain that the inclusion of his meaning in the phenomenological analysis of transcendence is possible. It’s initial guiding thread will be the first lesson in Die Idee der Phänomenologie which later will give way to some reflections that belong to the same genre of problems. This will be the attempt to elucidate the relevance of the natural attitude as an ontological category of intentionality and at the same time as a testimony of the problems about temporality and the possibility to begin in philosophy.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Soberano, R. L. . (2020). The Problem of Attitude as an Access to the Transcendental. Phenomenology of Natural Attitude. Metafísica Y Persona, (24), 29–46.


