A language that says nothing (and is never silent). Nietzsche’s influence on Michel Foucault’s literary theory


  • Antonio Castilla Cerezo a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:24:"Universidad de Barcelona";} Spain




Nietzsche, Foucault, philosophy, literature


To show the main influences of Nietzsche’s thought on Michel Foucault’s literary theory, this article reviews the following four inversions: first, that of Lasswell’s communicative model; second, that of platonism; third, that of hegelianism; fourth and last, schopenhauerianism, (the latter, both in terms of metaphysics and aesthetics). It seemed to us that, in contrast to these references, not only Nietzsche’s influence on Foucault, but also Nietzsche’s position on the literary phenomenon, are remarkably clarified.


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How to Cite

Castilla Cerezo, A. (2021). A language that says nothing (and is never silent). Nietzsche’s influence on Michel Foucault’s literary theory. Estudios Nietzsche, (20), 31–47. https://doi.org/10.24310/EstudiosNIETen.vi20.9893