Nietzsche confronts the free woman: The enigmas of the (dis)encounter with Lou von Salomé


  • Laura Rodríguez Frías UCM Spain



Loy von Salomé, freedom, idiosyncracy, heoric


This article aims to explore the main aspects of Friedrich Nietzsche's (dis) encounter with Lou von Salomé. Although the relationship between these two intellectuals takes place in just a few months in 1882, the influence that each of them exerted on the life of the other, as well as the first-hand information that Lou can provide about Nietzsche, make this encounter essential to understand the philosopher's thoughts from his most human side. Through the analysis of the similarities and differences between these two personalities, a thought they both share is fulfilled: to study simultaneously an author and their work.  


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Frías, L. (2023). Nietzsche confronts the free woman: The enigmas of the (dis)encounter with Lou von Salomé. Estudios Nietzsche, (23), 151–177.