The Transfiguration of Suffering Through The Test of the Eternal Return


  • Marina García-Granero Spain



suffering, time, trial, discipline, ascesis, tragic


This article explores the new meaning of suffering in the cosmological and ethical doctrine of eternal return in Nietzsche’s philosophy. The role of suffering is key to understanding why Nietzsche considered the eternal return «the great cultivating [or breeding] thought.» The eternal return transforms affectivity and selects new human values and ways of experiencing suffering, approving the «discipline of suffering» and condemning guilt, punishment, and resentment. The cultivating sense of the eternal return reconciles opposing forces and emotions, such as joy and suffering, and brings to light the tragic insight of life.


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How to Cite

García-Granero, M. (2022). The Transfiguration of Suffering Through The Test of the Eternal Return. Estudios Nietzsche, (22), 57–80.