The first images of women in Nietzsche's philosophy

the greek woman in the posthumous fragments of youth


  • Vinicius Souza de Paulo Unifesp Brazil



woman, feminine, tragic, dionysian


This article constitutes an analysis of the first references to women in Nietzsche's work, in the writings produced in the so-called first phase of Nietzsche's philosophy, between 1869 and 1876, more specifically, in the posthumous fragments between the years 1869 and 1874, seeking to build a structured interpretation of these posthumous fragments, demonstrating that the theme of women and reflections on the feminine have always had a relevant place in Nietzsche's critique of culture.


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How to Cite

Souza de Paulo, V. (2022). The first images of women in Nietzsche’s philosophy: the greek woman in the posthumous fragments of youth. Estudios Nietzsche, (23), 179–196.