The critique of intellectual education common to Leopardi and Nietzsche


  • Fabien Jégoudez Université de Nice France



education, mind, spirit, Leopardi, body


This article formulates the hypothesis of a remarkable convergence between the thinking of Giacomo Leopardi and Friedrich Nietzsche, who both criticize modern education the same way, putting too much emphasis on intellectual development. The two thinkers also draw on common sources concerning the educational know-how: the classical era in Europe and the antiquity. Against the excess of modern unilateral intellectual education and in the path of Leopardi, Nietzsche seems to search for a new norm, an education up to human beings that would respect their nature, capacities, and potentials at the same time.




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How to Cite

Jégoudez, F. (2022). The critique of intellectual education common to Leopardi and Nietzsche. Estudios Nietzsche, (22), 195–210.


