Zarathustra's pedagogy from a posthuman perspective


  • Juan Pablo Sabino UBA Argentina



Zarathustra, Pedagogy, Domestication, Posthumanism


In this paper it is proposed to read the figure of the teacher in Zarathustra from a posthuman perspective. The prophet not only presents himself as the great critic of nineteenth-century culture, he also performs a task of transvaluation. Analyzing the practices that Zarathustra promotes for the arrival of the overhuman (walking, giving, laughing, dancing, lingering and affirming) not only puts in tension and shakes the foundations on which the culture of Western ratio has been built, it also promotes the creation of new fictions that provisionally regulate life from an affirmative perspective.


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How to Cite

Sabino, J. P. (2021). Zarathustra’s pedagogy from a posthuman perspective. Estudios Nietzsche, (21), 107–126.