Some issues of «Nietzsche as educator»


  • Antonio Lastra Spain



Nietzsche as educator, philosopher, culture, Empire (Reich)


The aim of this paper is to begin to measure, if it exists, the distance, even the pathos of distance, that would separate Schopenhauer as Educator, the third of the Untimely Considerations, published in 1874, from the phrase «Nietzsche as an educator» («Nietzsche als Erzieher») —an absolute ???? ????????? in the body of his writing—, with which Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) would have been appropriated in Ecce homo (the last will of his literary psychology, if we can describe so this difficult book to classify, written in 1888 and published posthumously in 1908) of what he had attributed fourteen years earlier to Arthur Schopenhauer (died 1860): «Who speaks here is not basically “Schopenhauer as educator”, but his antithesis, “Nietzsche as educator».


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How to Cite

Lastra, A. (2021). Some issues of «Nietzsche as educator». Estudios Nietzsche, (21), 31–46.