Nietzsche’s linguistic and argumentative attitudes. A precedent of a new argumentation theory


  • Rafael Crismán-Pérez a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:21:"Universidad de Cádiz";} Spain
  • Mohamed El Mouden Universidad de Cádiz Spain



linguistic attitudes, argumentation, rethoric, Nietzsche


This article considers Nietzsche as a precursor of the Theory of the Third Space in argumentation. We took into account a text from The flies in the marketplace by Thus spoke Zarathustra, in which the overcoming of the yes/no dichotomy is already anticipated as a response to the argumentative process. After analyzing Nietzsche's epistemology, we observe the limits of both Cartesian logic and Integrated Pragmatics with respect to argumentation. The creation of a third space in the argumentation from the proposals of M. Meyer is an alternative to both traditions.


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How to Cite

Crismán-Pérez, R., & El Mouden, M. (2021). Nietzsche’s linguistic and argumentative attitudes. A precedent of a new argumentation theory. Estudios Nietzsche, (21), 153–171.


