Pity, fear and catharsis. Nietzsche’s interpretation of Aristotle


  • Alfredo Abad Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira Colombia




fear, pity, tragedy, Nietzsche


From The Birth of Tragedy to the Posthumous Fragments of the last period, Nietzsche refers to the Aristotelian specification of the tragic effects and catharsis with a categorical rejection. However, these approaches do not necessarily need to be identified as valid, at least in the sense attributed by Aristotle in his Poetics. The paper illustrates the benchmarks established by Nietzsche to clarify its manifesto and raise some critical questions about the legitimacy of their objections, bearing in mind the prescriptive itinerary by Aristotle in his book.


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Author Biography

Alfredo Abad, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Profesor Titular Escuela de Filosofía Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. (Colombia) Doctor en Filosofía  Universidad de Antioquia con tesis concerniente a la obra de Nietzsche (Physis trágica, la valoración estética del devenir) Sus intereses investigativos se enfocan en las relaciones filosofía-literatura, hermenéutica y estética, particularmente en las obras de Nietzsche, Cioran y Gómez Dávila. Director del grupo de investigación filosofía y escepticismo. Libros publicados, Cioran en Perspectivas (2009), Pensar lo implícito en torno a Gómez Dávila (2009)


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How to Cite

Abad, A. (2024). Pity, fear and catharsis. Nietzsche’s interpretation of Aristotle. Estudios Nietzsche, (16), 153–165. https://doi.org/10.24310/EstudiosNIETen.vi16.10821