Genesis and psycho-biographical context of the four parts of Thus Spoke Zarathustra


  • Luis Enrique de Santiago Guervós Universidad de Málaga Spain



Zarathustra, genesis, eternal recurrence, contextualization


To understand Nietzsche’s Thus spoke Zarathustra, a work that is not born in a unitary manner, it is necessary to explain how it was conceived and the special circumstances surrounding it, with all their motivations. This book does not imply a drastic disruption in relation to previous works. Nietzsche places this work at the centre of all his writings. This paper presents the chronology of the publication of the four parts of the book, its
conceptual and biographical context, and the details of this unique work.


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Author Biography

Luis Enrique de Santiago Guervós, Universidad de Málaga

Catedrático emérito de la Universidad de Málaga. Director de la revista Estudios Nietzsche y vicepresidente de la Sociedad Española de Estudios sobre F. Nietzsche (SEDEN). Director de la edición de la traducción de la  Correspondencia de F. Nietzsche, Madrid: Trotta, 6 vols. (2005-2012); Colaborador en la traducción de Fragmentos Póstumos y Obras Completas de F. Nietzsche (Madrid: Tecnos (2007-2010 y 2011-2016). Libros entre otros: Arte y poder. Aproximación a la estética de Nietzsche, Trotta, Madrid, 2004; Hans-George Gadamer y la hermenéutica en el siglo XX. Amazon 2013; Cosima Wagner. Cartas a Friedrich Nietzsche. Diarios y otros testimonios. Madrid: Trotta, 2013.


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How to Cite

de Santiago Guervós, L. E. (2016). Genesis and psycho-biographical context of the four parts of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Estudios Nietzsche, (16), 107–128.