Noon. Nietzsche and the Issue of Time: On the Meaning of Present in Philosophy
Geist der Schwere, mittags, kinder land, inminence, abyss, rhythmAbstract
In this article I propose that Nietzsche’s contrast between thought —der Geist der Schwere— and life —liebliche Mädchen, Mädchen-Füßen mit schönen Knöcheln— is mainly based on the question of temporality and rhythm. This dialectical metaphor is developed in his book Also sprach Zarathustra and it shows that philosophy and life are not synchronous, they have different beats. Philosophy and life do not happen simultaneously and Nietzsche proposes two possible anachronies in which thought takes place. Firstly,
philosophy is a sort of past time: it gives a later sense or subsequent meaning to existence, and narration is a way of intensifying life. Secondly, thought belongs to the temporality of imminence and language can be understood as a sort of Apollonian dam that helps to restrain and filter the Dyonisian pole of existence. Compared to these two time-modes, Nietzsche makes a proposal in Also sprach Zarathustra that manages to articulate the possibility of a present time for philosophy: its present is not the one that takes place when
the text is being written, but rather the actualisation of the text through readers —das Kinder Land—.
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