Nietzsche and Darwinism


  • María Cristina Fornari Universidad de Salento (Lecce, Italia) Italy



moral feelings, evolutionism, teleology


Since his youth years, Nietzsche considers Darwinism as the cultural atmosphere of his time. This «first range view», mediated through Lange and Rée, is not at all alien to his reflections about the origin and nature of moral feelings in his Human, All-too-Human. From 1880 onwards, Nietzsche’s interests focus on Spencer’s evolutionism.­ His criticism of Spencer’s views will end up by charging Darwinism with teleology and
a one-sided view regarding the struggle for survival. However, there is no doubt that Nietzsche found in Darwinism and in his age’s concerns more than one inspiring topic for his own personal thoughts.


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Author Biography

María Cristina Fornari, Universidad de Salento (Lecce, Italia)

María Cristina FORNARI es profesora en la Universidad de Salento (Lecce, Italia). Colaboradora en la edición italiana de las Opere y del Epistolario de Nietzsche (Milano: Adelphi), en particular en la nueva edición en 21 volúmenes de los Frammenti postumi. Coautora de la Nietzsches persönliche Bibliothek (Berlin/New York: W. de Gruyter, 2003). Recientemente ha publicado la monografia La morale evolutiva del gregge. Nietzsche legge Spencer e Mill (Pisa: Ets, 2006), que se está traduciendo al alemán. Es miembro del “Centro ‘Colli-Montinari’ di studio e di ricerca su Nietzsche”, de la Universidad de Pisa.


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How to Cite

Fornari, M. C. (2008). Nietzsche and Darwinism. Estudios Nietzsche, (8), 91–103.