«A problem with horns... the problem of science itself». Nietzsche’s Critique of Scientific Reason


  • Babette E. Babich Fordham Universtiy United States




scientific rationality, critical project, art, life, ascetic ideal


Nietzsche’s reflections on Science show the relevance of his thinking both for general Philosophy and for Philosophy of Science. His extreme challenge is not driven by reasons alien to Science, but for the sake of its own rationality and critical approach, insofar as Nietzsche’s challenge is nothing more than the radicalization of this critical project. However, because of the gap that always occurs in critical reflection, the project is possible only by placing one’s own perspective in a position external to Science, a place that for Nietzsche is provided by art. Only from the standpoint of art can we discover not only the theoretical meaning of Science to life, but also the practical one, insofar as it may be useful to us in order to question Techno-Science’s domination in our daily living.


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Author Biography

Babette E. Babich, Fordham Universtiy

Babette E. BABICH es Profesora de Filosofía en la Fordham University de Nueva York y profesora de  investigación adjunta en la Universidad de Georgetown (Washington). Ha sido profesor visitante en la  Universidad Católica de Lovaina, en la Universidad Libre de Berlín y en la Universidad de Tubingia. Es directora y editora de la revista New Nietzsche Studies. Entre sus libros cabe destacar, entre lo más reciente, Words in blood, like flowers: philosophy and poetry, music and eros in Hölderlin, Nietzsche, and Heidegger (2004); Hermeneutic philosophy of science, Van Gogh’s eyes, and God: Essays in honor of Patrick A. Heelan (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2001); Nietzsches theories of knowledge and critical theory. Nietzsche and the sciences I y II (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1999); Nietzsche’s philosophy of science: Reflecting science on ground of arte and life (Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1994).


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How to Cite

Babich, B. E. (2008). «A problem with horns. the problem of science itself». Nietzsche’s Critique of Scientific Reason. Estudios Nietzsche, (8), 13–52. https://doi.org/10.24310/EstudiosNIETen.vi8.10279