Relationship between frequency and perception of technological use, personality, affect and neuropsychological variables in young adult population
attention, inhibitory control, affective state, technologies, processing speedAbstract
In recent decades, researchers have addressed the use of technologies because of its positive and negative effects on cognitive and affective processes. The present study investigated the relationship between the frequency of use of technologies, its influence on inhibitory control and attention span, and the role played by personality and affective status in a young adult population. The study included 90 participants between the ages of 18 and 34 years. They were administered the following tests: Stroop test; Trail Making Test; D2 Test of Attention; Questionnaire on the Problem Use of New Technologies; Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated; and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. A significant inverse relationship was found between the frequency of use of technologies, such as the internet and television, and inhibition and attention capabilities, whereas a significant direct relationship was found between the use of the internet and mobile phones and levels of neuroticism and negative affect. These results suggest that the excessive use of certain technologies may have a negative effect on cognitive abilities that may be modulated by affective and personality variables.
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