Emotional Intelligence Assessment in Argentina: A Systematic Review
Emotional Intelligence - Measurement - Validity - Reliability - Ecological Validity - Systematic ReviewAbstract
The growing study of Emotional Intelligence enabled the development of various theoretical models and valid and reliable instruments for its measurement. However, it is unknown what measures are used in Spanish-speaking countries such as Argentina. In response to this problem, a systematic review was carried out in order to: a) examine which instruments were constructed, adapted and/or validated for the measurement of EI in adults of the Argentine population, b) identify the theoretical models used, and c) provide evidence on their psychometric quality. The following databases were searched: PubMed, SciELO, Redalyc, and ScienceDirect, yielding 805 results. Of which, 8 articles met the inclusion criteria: 1) validation, adaptation or construction studies, 2) written in Spanish or English; 3) published in peer-reviewed journals; 4) with adult samples; 5) that provided evidence of validity and reliability. This led to de detection of five instruments (mostly adaptations) based on the ability model, 2 on the mixed model and 1 on the trait model. Although few instruments were found, they report adequate psychometric properties and are valuable tools for measuring EI at the local level and for cross-cultural research of said construct.
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