What role has Emotional Intelligence in the clinical, work and educational context?


  • Elena García Spain




emotional intelligence; well-being; psychopathology; work performance; education


Emotional intelligence (EI) has been a widely studied construct in recent decades. By involving emotions and the way of directing them, it affects various areas such as clinical, labor and educational fields. This review’s objective is to summarize the main findings about the implications of EI in these areas. The main results in the area of ??health show that EI has been linked to well-being and quality of life, as well as to psychopathology. In the workplace, EI has been associated with job satisfaction, burnout syndrome, teamwork’s performance and leadership styles. Finally, in the educational area, EI seems to influence academic performance through the mediation of personality and metacognitive variables, among others. All this makes clear the importance of focusing research on the analysis of implementing EI in these contexts, putting theory into practice and exploring the influence of each of EI’s components.


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How to Cite

García, E. (2022). What role has Emotional Intelligence in the clinical, work and educational context?. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 15(2), 148–158. https://doi.org/10.24310/espsiescpsi.v15i2.14752

