Clinical knowledge and process of assessment


  • Antonio Godoy Universidad de Málaga Spain



teoría, conocimientos clínicos, proceso de evaluación


Three theoretical models about diagnostic process and knowledge organization in memory are presented: The model by Berrios and Chen, that conceives knowledge organization as artificial neural network structures; che semantic structural model by Lemieux and Bordage, that propases che concept of semanric axis as a knowledge strucruring too!; and finally che Schmidt and Boshuizen’s model, that propases the concept of illness script. The last pare of the arride deals with the conn ection between each model and basic psychological science, the steps proposed far diagnosric process, how knowledge is organized in memory and retrieved to apply to particular clinical cases, what are the criteria clinicians use to decide wheth er a datum is relevanr and merit to be gather ed, and potencial utility of each model to teaching and learning psychodiagnostic.


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How to Cite

Godoy, A. (2001). Clinical knowledge and process of assessment. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 1(5), 1–20.


