Psychological benefits of a proactive physical exercise program for elderly people
Physical Exercise Program, Proactive Participation, Elderly People, Psychological BenefitAbstract
Many studies have addressed the benefits of physical activity in elderly people. However, the physical activity models followed have not always taken into account the role of active participation. In general, these models have been mainly influenced by directive methodologies and emphasise physical training; these aspects offer greater group control and less organizational effort. The main aim of this study was to compare two physical activity programs for elderly people and determine their effect on mood, self-esteem, and enjoyment with physical activity. The study participants were 72 women between 55 years and 70 years (M = 64.10; DT = 9.40) from the municipalities of Arousa-Norte (Galicia, Spain). The results show that the supervised exercise programs benefitted the participants’ psychological health, which differed according to the type of program. Thus, a unique physical exercise model cannot be endorsed in adulthood, because the role of the participants and the way they interact within exercise programs varies, leading to differing effects on health and therefore on everyday life. New multidimensional proposals should be developed that combine physical, mental, and social aspects within a movement-based approach.
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