Comparación de ciberacoso y autoeficacia en redes sociales: Ciudad de México y Estado de México.




cyberbullying, self-efficacy, social networks, empathy, assertiveness


The objective of this study was to compare the frequency of cyberbullying, the type of responses to it, as well as knowledge and self-efficacy in the use of social networks in young people from Mexico City and the State of Mexico. The sample comprised 1673 students of both sexes between 14 and 20 years old (862 participants from Mexico City and 811 from the State of Mexico). We performed descriptive analyses and X2 tests. The results showed a significant difference between the frequency of cyberbullying and the level of young people's knowledge. The latter variable was higher in Mexico City than in the State of Mexico. However, participants from the State of Mexico scored higher than those from Mexico City in the way they respond to cyberbullying (assertive and empathetic) and in self-efficacy. More research on this issue is needed given the scarcity of statistics and information on this topic in Mexico


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Maldonado, S. I., Piña-Pazarán, V., Durán-Baca , X., & Rosales-Piña, C. R. (2021). Comparación de ciberacoso y autoeficacia en redes sociales: Ciudad de México y Estado de México. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 14(1).



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