Interventions aimed at reducing obsessive-compulsive symptoms in people with autism spectrum disorder: a review
Autism spectrum disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, comorbidity, intervention, reviewAbstract
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in communication and social interaction as well as restrictive and repetitive behavior. It has high comorbidity with other disorders, reaching 37% with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in young patients. OCD is characterized by recurrent thoughts and ideas that lead the person to perform compulsive actions to reduce the level of anxiety generated by these thoughts. This paper presents a review of the psychological intervention methods, as well as their effectiveness, used to reduce the symptoms of comorbid OCD in people with ASD. It includes 14 articles in which cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure and prevention of responses (EPR) showed encouraging results in reducing these symptoms.
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Nota: Las referencias marcadas con un asterisco (*) contienen los estudios incluidos en la revisión.
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