Cognitive-motivational factors related to adjustment to university life of Chilean students
Self-regulated learning, academic self-efficacy, adjustment to university life, mediation analysisAbstract
The challenges for adapting to university life may constitute an overload of personal resources related to academic and cognitive-motivational aspects, which may affect the decision to continue university studies. For this reason, the aim of the research was to assess the relationship of the self-regulated learning and academic self-efficacy with the adjustment to university life, considering the mediating role of the self-regulated learning of Chilean university students. A quantitative, non-experimental, and cross-sectional design was used, considering an explanatory associative strategy. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and SEM mediation analysis. The participants were a total of 470 university students. The correlation results showed that the relationships varied in magnitude according to the dimensions of adjustment to university life. Moreover, it was identified that the self-regulated learning has a mediating role in the effect of academic self-efficacy on the adjustment to university life. These findings allow us to affirm the importance of socio-cognitive variables in the adaptation process of university students.
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