Revisiting Internal Market Orientation in Family Firms




Internal market orientation, Job satisfaction, Employee commitment, Business performance, Family business
Agencies: NO


The present conceptual paper depicts Internal Market Orientation (IMO) theory development conceptualization with a contemplation of new conditions, realities and technologies available to modern businesses in service industries. Based on the results of a conceptual study, this study proposes a novel IMO framework which reflects the noted global changes that affect family businesses. 

The denoted model introduces novelty variables including Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Outsourced Personnel structural constructs. They avail to measure the effect of IMO implementation on job satisfaction and employee commitment that, in their turn, exhibit a positive impact on business performance in service industries.


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How to Cite

Kazakov, S. (2019). Revisiting Internal Market Orientation in Family Firms. European Journal of Family Business, 9(1), 5–20.



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