Sartre’s Lecture on Mallarmé: Critic Poetry as Pure Negation


  • Santiago Bellocq Universidad Nacional de San Martín Argentina



Sartre, Mallarmé, poetry, negativity, commitment,


Sartre’s turn on his notion of poetry, which already begun in his Saint Genet and Orphée noir, gets radicalized in his existential biography of Mallarmé’s work and life. Sartre suggests that it is effectively possible for poetry to commit (something that seemed denied in Situations II) because of its extreme negative-destructive power, which leads to the manifestation of consciousness’ negative, conflictive and «failed» essence, calling the being-for-itself to take over its freedom and giving birth in this way to a «critic poetry», relative of Sartre’s «total literature» notion.


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How to Cite

Bellocq, S. (2020). Sartre’s Lecture on Mallarmé: Critic Poetry as Pure Negation. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 24(3).

