The image (as) différance. Problems and contributions


  • Jacopo Vignola Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Santiago de Chile) Chile





The present article is developed from a reconstruction of Roberto Rubio’s analyzes about the difficulties incurred by the opposition between phenomenological and semiotic approach, in order to providing possible solutions to the current debate on the philosophy of the image. After having confronted the Husserlian and Heideggerian perspectives with the Derridian theory of writing, the reference to the art of Duane Michals will allow us to approach the problematic of the image towards the thought of difference and differential occurrence, iconic field where the unstable and undefined game of the oppositions produces all possibility of semantic effect.


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How to Cite

Vignola, J. (2019). The image (as) différance. Problems and contributions. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 24(2).

