Human identity and human dignity versus non-therapeutic human enhancement


  • Jesús Parra Sáez Universidad de Murcia Spain



HUMAN ENHANCEMENT, DDignity, Identity, Biotechnology, Bioconservatism


In the contemporary scientific-ethical debate on biotechnological human enhancement, the notions of human identity and human dignity are used habitually by the most conservative line of thought to reject the application of new biomedical technologies on the human being with the aim of carrying out an improvement of a non-therapeutic nature. However, are they useful as an argument to reject a human enhancement of a perfectionist nature? In this article, we will analyze the meaning of both notions in the contemporary bioethical debate, as well asthe validity of their use as an argument to reject it


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How to Cite

Parra Sáez, J. (2019). Human identity and human dignity versus non-therapeutic human enhancement. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 24(2).

