Knowledge according to cognitive sciences


  • Pascual Martínez Freire University of Malaga Spain



Knowledge, cognition, Turing, Newell, Simon, proper cognition


After a brief description of cognitive sciences, the existence of two mistaken approaches in philosophy of knowledge is emphasized (the one is the historical-scholar and the other is the merely speculative) betting on the approach proper of cognitive sciences, where the subject of cognition is an information processor (following Alan Turing ?s idea) and it can be not only a human but also a machine or an animal. Secondly the cognitive subject is characterized as a physical symbol system (PSS), according to the thesis by Allen Newell and Herbert Simon, and such thesis is commented and illustrated. And finally diverse degrees of cognition in general sense, in animals and in machines, are distinguished, but also it is highlighted the proper or intelligent cognition, comprising the operations of conceiving, judging and reasoning.


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Author Biography

Pascual Martínez Freire, University of Malaga

Pascual F. Martinez-Freire es catedrático emérito de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia en la Universidad de Málaga.


Líneas de investigación:

Filosofía de las Ciencias Cognitivas, Filosofía de la Mente, Neurofilosofía.


Publicaciones recientes:

«Representación y creación mental», Revista Mexicana de Investigación en Psicología, 9, 2, 2017, 139-146.

«Valores científicos y democracia ética», Ludus Vitalis, XXIV, 46, 2016, 171-174.

«Cerebro: funcionalidad, dinamismo e intencionalidad», Studia Poliana, 18, 2016, 13-26.


Correo electrónico:



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Lindsay, Peter, Norman, Donald, Human Information Processing: An Introduction to Psychology, Academic Press, Nueva York, 1972.

McCorduck, Pamela, Machines Who Think, Freeman, Nueva York, 1979.

Martínez-Freire, Pascual F., «El impacto de las ciencias cognitivas en la filosofía del conocimiento», P. F. Martínez-Freire (coord.), Filosofía y ciencias cognitivas,

Philosophica Malacitana, Suplemento nº 3, 1995, pp. 51-66.

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Newell, Allen, «Physical Symbol Systems», Cognitive Science, 4, 1980, 135-183.

Newell, Allen, y Simon, Herbert, Human Problem Solving, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1972.

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Norman, Donald A., Rumelhart, David E. (eds.), Explorations in Cognition, Freeman, San Francisco, 1975.

Piaget, Jean, Biología y Conocimiento (trad. Fco. González Aramburu), Siglo XXI, Madrid, 1969.

Santo Tomás, Juan de, Ars logica seu de forma et materia ratiocinandi, B. Reiser (ed.), Marietti, Casali, 1948.

Searle, John, «Minds and Brains without Programs», Colin Blakemore y Susan Greenfield (eds.), Mindwaves, Blackwell, Oxford, 1987, pp. 209-233.

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How to Cite

Martínez Freire, P. (2019). Knowledge according to cognitive sciences. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 23(2).

